14 Jun 2019 Fri. – KUZE, Potsdam, Germany

Takkiduda (Tokyo)
Experimental Music/Improvisation/Visual Art/Theatre
Tatsumi Ryusui (Berlin)
More details: https://kuze-potsdam.de/
13 Jun 2019 Thu. – Internet Explorer, Berlin, Germany
Internet Explorer
Brabrabra (IT/JP, Ber, Kitchen Leg records) is a Berlin based girl group. Susanna, Saiko and Federica are three good friends that started to play together in Federica’s Wohnzimmer just for fun. Their lives were weird enough that they could write songs about it, with irony, cynicism and tenderness together. Brabrabra had their debut when Saiko's brother, Tatsumi, unknowingly organized a gig for them in Feb 2012. After that, BBB played many shows, among them Torstrasse Festival 2013, they played with Maher Shalal Hash Bash, R Stevie Moore, Synaesytesie Festival 2017 and more. Their debut album “Mango” in Dec 2013, was also Kitchen Leg records’ first release. After a long hiatus, BBB released a 7′‘ in 2018 ("Lagooona") and toured Japan.
And, here, some words of True love: “Playful, like 1979. Playful, like crafting beautiful sensitive slightly ironic pop music doesn’t have to be a chore. Playful, like Electrelane. Wild, like Tobi Vail.” (Everett True on Collapse Board, July 2014).
"Brabrabra (Susanna, Saiko and Federica) spielen in Bass-Schlagzeug-Orgel Dreierbesetzung charmantesten Lo-Fi Pop in Tradition von Bands wie Raincoats oder den Marine Girls.
Ihre Synthese aus Schrägheit und Melodie, Intensität und Verspieltheit gibt Pop wieder ein sympathisches Gesicht." (amSTARt)
●Albertine Sarges & the Sticky Fingers
Albertine Sarges & The Sticky Fingers seem to specialize in the sensual, the pleasurable, and the tasty. Accordingly, their first (and still only!) EP, Shrimp Favour, was released in the form of a package of instant ramen. Contrary to popular belief, The Sticky Fingers bear no relation to the Rolling Stones; rather, they refer quite simply to syrupy, fragrant hands that evidence the recent picking of fresh fruit. The Berlin conglomerate’s lyrics tell further of salmiak, apricot-colored skies, tobacco, and exotic deep-sea fishes.
And they only inspire a few low-key stylistic associations (ahem)—the Talking Heads, the B52s, Laurie Anderson.
The meaning of “Takkiduda” is the power of the universe's love, which evolves and leads everything to happiness.
We can just look forward and recognize that every single thing happening to us is happiness. We aim the coexistence with nature, civilization and machinery in a better balance.
Our performance is absolute improvisation such as most primitive style. We make our sounds based on the animal instinct of the natural human beings.
“Quruku” and “Ico” are imaginary performers, who are created by our programming. They record and reproduce sounds freely away from human intention. By joining them our music becomes more accidental and full of uncertainties.
Not only the music, we display digital images also impromptu besides the sounds to make our performance more impressive.
We try to create a work with the viewpoint of "experience of space". We try to express with our performance the peaceful world filled of love with coexisting nature, civilization and machinery.
12 Jun 2019 Wed. – BASTION, Bochum, Germany
“Wichtig: Die Veranstaltungen in der BASTION finden bei freiem Eintritt statt und sind öffentlich. Allerdings braucht man eine Einladung, um teilnehmen zu können und wir haben nicht mehr als 16 Plätze für euch. Kommt also bitte nicht einfach vorbei, sondern schickt uns eine Nachricht per Facebook oder per Mail an kontakt@no-budget-arts.de, bzw. ruft uns unter 0234 - 911 77 90 an. Ihr hört dann von uns. Danke!
Mehr Infos zu dieser Veranstaltung in Kürze!”
9 Jun 2019 Sun. – Centre Culturel Libertaire (CCL), Lille, France
Centre Culturel Libertaire (CCL)
・TAKKIDUDA (improvisation/experimental, japan)
・FLEUVES NOIRS (krautnoise, lille)
・GUORN (rap/poésie sonore, lille)
Vous n'allez tout de même pas vous reposer une veille de jour férié ? Histoire d'être bien niqué pour reprendre le taf mardi, venez en faire un peu trop dimanche AVEC
TAKKIDUDA (improvisation/experimental, Japan)
The meaning of “ Takkiduda ” is the energy of the cosmic love, which evolves and leads everything to harmony.We can just look forward and recognize that every single thing happening to us is happiness. We aim the coexistence with nature, civilization and machinery in a better balance.
Fleuves Noirs (crunk/trap/g-funk/spasmophilie, Lille)
Psychédéliquement malsain et chamanique, musique de fin de tout : dense musique 0.0
GUORN (rap/poésie sonore, Lille)
On sait pas, mais on a hâte
8 Jun 2019 Sat. – Chez Adel, Paris, France
Chez Adel
Takkiduda est un duo d'improvisation, basé sur la voix, la guitare électrique, le piano, le synthétiseur, l'enregistreur, l'harmonica, la batterie, la trompette, les jouets ou divers petits instruments de musique, ainsi que des bruits issus de la nature et de la vie.
Tsuki no Ko
En japonais Tsuki no Ko (月の子) signifie les enfants de la lune.
Tsuki no Ko mêle langue française et japonaise, chanson, musique du monde, poésie, art du conte et énergie rock.
Les spectacles sont accès autours d’histoires racontés - chantées et de parties plus libres et improvisés.
Au duo formé par Gilles Bessou et Bonkichi (Reiko Nagayama) se mêle selon les circonstances musiciens, danseurs pour des performances a chaques fois uniques.
6 Jun 2019 Thu. – Le Zorba, Paris, France
Le Zorba
DOXA ESTA présente :
● Takkiduda (Tokyo)
"Takkiduda (タッキドゥーダ)
We think that living according to the laws of nature is the most important.
We are feeling that all something that exists , all happening and all phenomenon is are precious things that give us notice. Everything exists for each other’s evolution. From this point of view, it means that everything exists as love…human being, nature, machine, object, phenomenon, happening, etc… We feel that this world evolves toward love and harmony.
The meaning of “ Takkiduda ” is the energy of the cosmic love, which evolves and leads everything to harmony.We can just look forward and recognize that every single thing happening to us is happiness. We aim the coexistence with nature, civilization and machinery in a better balance.
Our performance is absolute improvisation such as most primitive style. We make our sounds based on the animal instinct of the natural human beings.
“Quruku” and “Ico” are imaginary performers, who are created by our programming. They record and reproduce sounds freely away from human intention. By joining them our music becomes more accidental and full of uncertainties.
Not only the music, we display digital images also impromptu besides the sounds to make our performance more impressive.
We try to create a work with the viewpoint of “experience of space”. We try to express with our performance the peaceful world filled of love with coexisting nature, civilization and machinery.
Based mainly in Tokyo, Japan, we perform at home and abroad."
● Niels Mestre (Paris)
French improviser-performer and composer Niels Mestre studied with one of the last students of Olivier Messiaen. One composition has been created by the NY Licorice Ensemble, another one released on the SEAMUS’ album “ Sonic Haiku “ .
+ featuring des deux projets en fin de soirée
Le Zorba x DOXA ESTA
• Jeudi 6 juin • gratuit
137 rue du Faubourg du Temple
Métro Belleville
Programmation? ☞ doxaesta@gmail.com
Inscription à la newsletter : https://urlz.fr/8bhq
29 May 2019 Wed. – URGENCE DISK RECORDS, Geneva, Switzerland
25 May 2019 Sat. – La Demeure du Chaos – The Abode of Chaos, Lyon, France with Leiya
La Demeure du Chaos
Takkiduda & Emmanuelle Matsumura (Leiya Danse) seront à La Demeure du Chaos - The Abode of Chaos ce samedi 25 mai 2019 pour une performance entre danse butō et set musical improvisé...
"Electro-Urban-Noise : Performances et gestuelles du "butô" illustrées par une projection vidéo, le tout accompagné par des sonorités électroniques et de loops guitare, flûte et chants traditionnels japonais"
- Dam Von Smock
Petit rappel : l'entrée à La Demeure du Chaos - The Abode of Chaos est libre et gratuite, il en va de même pour la perf de Takkiduda & Emmanuelle Matsumura ce samedi 25 mai 2019 qui s'étalera en deux parties de 14h30 à 18h30
Pour ceux qui ne pourront pas être à La Demeure du Chaos - The Abode of Chaos le 25 mai 2019, la troupe sera chez nos amis d'URGENCE DISK RECORDS le mercredi 29 mai 2019
--> Takkiduda / Tokyo / urban electro perfo
Emmanuelle Matsumura (Leiya Danse) est danseuse comédienne et thérapeute énergétique. Sa démarche est d’exprimer le mouvement de vie spontané sous toutes ses formes et d’harmoniser les 5 éléments dans les corps intégrés dans l’univers qui interagissent avec un environnement. Avec divers médias, elle expérimente l’expression de l’invisible, du sensible. Elle explore l’espace hors du temps, vide et plein, la nature et son fonctionnement, les interconnections, être acteur ou observateur, les transformations… Ses influences sont nombreuses et inspirée d’année de voyage par delà les peuples du monde (danse contemporaine, danse traditionnelles du monde, butoh, mime, théâtre).
Takkiduda -タッキドゥーダ-
The meaning of “Takkiduda” is the power of the universe’s love, which evolves and leads everything to happiness.
We can just look forward and recognize that every single thing happening to us is happiness. We aim the coexistence with nature, civilization and machinery in a better balance.
Our performance is absolute improvisation such as most primitive style. We make our sounds based on the animal instinct of the natural human beings.
“Quruku” and “Ico” are imaginary performers, who are created by our programming. They record and reproduce sounds freely away from human intention. By joining them our music becomes more accidental and full of uncertainties.
Not only the music, we display digital images also impromptu besides the sounds to make our performance more impressive.
We try to create a work with the viewpoint of “experience of space”. We try to express with our performance the peaceful world filled of love with coexisting nature, civilization and machinery.
23 May 2019 Thu. – Le102, Grenoble, France with Leiya
Vortex Art Festival 森羅万象~Sinra Bansho~@Le102 Grenoble
23/Mai/2019 / 20:00-23:00 / 8€
VALUNA presente Vortex Art Festival 森羅万象~Sinra Bansho~
au Le 102 / Grenoble https://le102.net/
Nori Ubukata / Thereministe (Gr)
*acommpagnement NaotovavaK (valuna) / Tabla
Takkiduda / Experimental Noise (Jp)
Leiya / Danse (Fr & Jp)
VALUNA vortex-art-experience. / Butoh, Tabla, Kalimba etc.& FX (Gr)
(13.mai. DETAIL updated.)
18 May 2019 Sat. – Asile 404, Marseille, France with Leiya
Asile 404
‡ Alex Riva - suisse
[harsh flûte]
‡ Takidduda - Japan
[neo folk electro]
Euro tour 2019
Collaborate with Leiya (Emmanuelle Matsumura) https://emmanuellevalette.com
Takkiduda plays music in improvisation/experimental. At the same time the video is projected.
- Video.-
- HP.-
‡ Geriatrie - Marseille
[punk xp noise]
‡ Boucan - Lyon
[duo math punk]
PAF : 5€ si tu peux + adh libre
Start : 20h30
Asile 404
135 Rue d'aubagne