Takkiduda (タッキドゥーダ)
We think that living according to the laws of nature is the most important.
We are feeling that all something that exists , all happening and all phenomenon is are precious things that give us notice. Everything exists for each other's evolution. From this point of view, it means that everything exists as love...human being, nature, machine, object, phenomenon, happening, etc… We feel that this world evolves toward love and harmony.
The meaning of “ Takkiduda ” is the energy of the cosmic love, which evolves and leads everything to harmony.We can just look forward and recognize that every single thing happening to us is happiness. We aim the coexistence with nature, civilization and machinery in a better balance.
Our performance is absolute improvisation such as most primitive style. We make our sounds based on the animal instinct of the natural human beings.
“Quruku” and “Ico” are imaginary performers, who are created by our programming. They record and reproduce sounds freely away from human intention. By joining them our music becomes more accidental and full of uncertainties.
Not only the music, we display digital images also impromptu besides the sounds to make our performance more impressive.
We try to create a work with the viewpoint of "experience of space". We try to express with our performance the peaceful world filled of love with coexisting nature, civilization and machinery.
Based mainly in Tokyo, Japan, we perform at home and abroad.
”愛と調和に向かう宇宙の力” に “Takkiduda”と名付けた。
完全即興で演奏し、音の変化に応じて映像をリアルタイムで変化させ、Takkidudaの世界観が空間に広がる。また、 プログラミングによって創ったQurukuとIcoが、私達の意図しないところで偶発的に録音・再生する。 それにより、より不確定要素に満ち溢れた音が生まれる。其処にある全てがTakkidudaの表現を生み出す一要素となる。音と映像が絡まり合い空間が生まれていく、一度限りの自然発生表現。